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No. 链出域名 关键词
1. typepad.com
2. youtube.com Black Knight's
3. twitter.com
4. noaa.gov Nomad
5. youtu.be Go here
6. epa.gov by 0.0382
7. dailycaller.com was up to eight
8. powerlineblog.com
9. energyxxi.org
10. frontpagemag.com
11. thegwpf.org Pause
12. cato.org here
13. climatedepot.com
14. wordpress.com article
15. washingtontimes.com
16. heartland.org anti-science
17. nytimes.com
18. nla.gov.au
19. newspapers.com
20. google.com
21. blogspot.com A new study
22. freebeacon.com
23. wattsupwiththat.com William Teach
24. breitbart.com a tiny minority
25. wikipedia.org El Nino
26. bishop-hill.net study
27. nature.com now admitting
28. judithcurry.com The Hiatus
29. thebreakthrough.org update
30. climateaudit.org first presented
31. notrickszone.com extremist
32. joannenova.com.au read
33. nationalreview.com most elites.
34. motherjones.com this recent
35. heritage.org is a compilation
36. globalwarming.org this article
37. pjmedia.com Hiatus
38. dtu.dk paper
39. spectator.org here
40. asiancorrespondent.com debunked
41. twimg.com this infograph
42. iceagenow.info snow
43. rutgers.edu snow
44. bp.com downloaded here
45. metoffice.gov.uk gold-standard
46. co2science.org In light of
47. drroyspencer.com produced by
48. time.com
49. thearkansasproject.com article
50. rff.org this PDF
51. hubpages.com major cause
52. reuseit.com are used each year
53. timeforchange.org when accounting
54. sppiblog.org to please their
55. twitchy.com from all sorts
56. answers.com buy some
57. ornl.gov pre-1958
58. spiegel.de Publication
59. conservativerefocus.com Source
60. ibtimes.co.uk historical pics
61. illinois.edu
62. stltoday.com
63. sunnewsnetwork.ca
64. nasa.gov temperature
65. sciencedirect.com paper abstract
66. quantcast.com
