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1. recode.net
2. geekheim.de Frank Rieger
3. theguardian.com
4. w4tler.at
5. sueddeutsche.de
6. urban-gardening.eu Urban Gardaning
7. transcript-verlag.de
8. youtube.com der Videos
9. ruedi-baur.eu Ruedi Baur
10. la-cuisine.fr
11. theverge.com verge
12. marcuwekling.de Marc-Uwe Kling
13. preenaction.de Daniela
14. stocklogos.com stocklogos.com
15. matteomoretti.com Matteo Moretti
16. behance.net behance.net
17. theyesmen.org Ideen
18. blogspot.com
19. utopiatoolbox.org utopiatoolbox.org
20. toolbooks.eu over there
21. unibz.it
22. oekorausch.de
23. fairphone.com fairphone
24. wupperinst.org Christa Liedtke
25. slideshare.net David Coallier
26. oup.com web
27. thefilterbubble.com phenomena
28. netdelusion.com critic
29. goethe.de eco-social
30. liquidfeedback.org political
31. demagazine.eu transformation
32. bbc.co.uk Adam Curtis
33. guardian.co.uk
34. thoughtmaybe.com thoughtmaybe.com
35. euvsco2.org
36. carbonvisuals.com carbonvisuals.com
37. geblogs.com
38. informationisbeautiful.net
39. loophole4all.com
40. paolocirio.net Paolo Cirio
41. fastcompany.com
42. crackajack.de Nerdcore
43. techcrunch.com
44. flickr.com flickr
45. spiegel.de spiegel-online
46. gfk-verein.org
47. boell.de
48. tagesschau.de
49. we-feed-the-world.at We Feed the World
50. fr-online.de
51. heise.de Shopping-Porno
52. wiwo.de
53. fluffylinks.com fluffylinks
54. adage.com adage
55. brandedmovie.com Branded
56. rottentomatoes.com der Kritik
57. vimeo.com Vimeo
58. perlentaucher.de
59. globalcarbonproject.org
60. klimaretter.info
61. kickstarter.com go and give it
62. wikiquote.org Emma Goldman
63. adbusters.org
64. truth-out.org
65. googlewatchblog.de
66. stern.de
67. tagseoblog.de
68. iameco.com iameco
69. inhabitat.com
70. triplepundit.com
71. greenpeace.org
72. zdnet.com
73. facebook.com ‏أساحبىs
74. asa7be.me their site
75. re-publica.de
76. zurker.com Zurker
77. diasporaproject.org diaspora
78. friendica.com friendica
79. diigo.com i use diigo
80. saschalobo.com Sascha Lobo
81. unphotographable.com unphotographable
82. mattrichardson.com
83. frankbubenzer.de Frank Bubenzer
84. wikipedia.org
85. whatis-theplan.org
86. keepfearalive.com
87. radio-utopie.de
88. colbertnation.com Skate Expectations
89. indecisionforever.com Political Humor
90. thedailyshow.com Jon Stewart
91. rallytorestoresanity.com
92. monochrom.at monochrome
93. taz.de
94. matthewtaylorsblog.com Matthew Taylor
95. cognitivemedia.co.uk cognitive media
96. ftd.de
97. storyofstuff.com
98. fh-augsburg.de
99. wikileaks.org wikileaks.org
100. pundo3000.com
101. codecheck.info mehr
102. nationalpriorities.org
103. warc.com
104. scribd.com
105. worldwatch.org
106. comedycentral.com
107. catallaxis.com
108. foodwatch.de
109. interbrand.com
110. vss.com VSS Forecast 2009
111. blippy.com Blippy
112. handelsblatt.com
113. zeit.de
114. susannahertrich.com
115. utopia.de Verbrauchermacht
116. engadget.com
117. truthdig.com
118. appleinsider.com
119. google.com backchina.com
120. democracynow.org
121. adrianaeysler.com adrianaeysler.com
122. fashionunited.de BIO
123. onreact.com
124. konsumpf.de
125. llnwd.net
126. br-online.de
127. wir-klimaretter.de
128. wordpress.org WordPress
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130. gmpg.org XFN
131. wpthemes.info Misty Look
