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No. 链出域名 关键词
1. positivelystella.com Stella Grizont
2. longnow.org Stewart Brand
3. reidhoffman.org Reid Hoffman
4. ito.com Joi Ito
5. churchillclub.org The Churchill Club
6. worrydream.com Bret Victor
7. tumblr.com Theorizing The Web
8. time.com More
9. valvesoftware.com Mike Abrash
10. jamespatten.com James Patten
11. youarenotsosmart.com David McRaney
12. gamasutra.com Juice
13. grapefrukt.com Martin Jonasson
14. kloonigames.com Perti Purho
15. photosim.fr Simon Bouisson
16. wikipedia.org Slow TV
17. aralbalkan.com Aral Balkan
18. indiephone.eu indie Phone
19. disneyresearch.com Disney Research
20. greg.io Greg
21. twitter.com Twitter
