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6. wsj.com James Taranto
7. realclearpolitics.com RealClearPolitics
8. wfpl.org
9. kentucky.com
10. leoweekly.com
11. huffingtonpost.com Huffington Post
12. modernhealthcare.com recent survey
13. kaiserhealthnews.org Kaiser Health News
14. healthaffairs.org
15. acep.org
16. rwjf.org
17. vox.com Ezra Klein
18. salon.com Salon
19. tvguide.com TV Guide
20. avclub.com AV Club
21. ign.com IGN
22. thedailybeast.com The Daily Beast,
23. vulture.com Vulture
24. nationaljournal.com Hotline Blogometer
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26. newrepublic.com
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30. feedly.com
31. blogrunner.com Blogrunner
32. buzzfeed.com BuzzFeed
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35. drudge.com Drudge Retort
36. hinessight.com HinesSight
37. drlaniac.com Indy Weblogs Feeds
38. memeorandum.com Memeorandum
39. blogspot.com
40. sulia.com Sulia
41. theweek.com The Week
42. acasignups.net ACA Signups
43. balloon-juice.com Balloon Juice
44. becker-posner-blog.com Becker Posner Blog
45. ourfuture.org
46. aclu.org ACLU
47. bloggingformichigan.com
48. breitbartunmasked.com Breitbart Unmasked
49. typepad.com The Blue State
50. scienceblogs.com Pharyngula
51. crooksandliars.com Crooks and Liars
52. culturalconscience.com
53. dagblog.com Dag Blog
54. freethoughtblogs.com
55. donklephant.com Donklephant
56. crispen.org Ex Cathedra
57. exconservative.com ExConservative
58. esoterically.net
59. wordpress.com The Zoo
60. guntotingliberal.com Gun Toting Liberal
61. reason.com Hit and Run
62. justanother24hours.com
63. motherjones.com Kevin Drum
64. liberaloasis.com Liberal Oasis
65. msn.com Maddow Blog
66. michiganliberal.com Michigan Liberal
67. mullins-world.com
68. newsfare.com Newsfare
69. newshoggers.com NewsHoggers
70. washingtonmonthly.com Political Animal
71. politicalfray.com Political Fray
72. politicalwire.com Political Wire
73. psychopolitik.com Psychopolitik
74. realclimate.org Real Climate Wiki
75. reallibs.com Real Libs
76. theatlantic.com Richard Posner
77. rumproast.com Rumproast
78. secularleft.us Secular Left
79. secularright.org Secular Right
80. selfdeprecate.com Self Deprecate
81. blogs.com Skeptico
82. time.com Swampland
83. nytimes.com The Caucus
84. talkingpointsmemo.com
85. terrymichael.net Terry Michael
86. ordinary-gentlemen.com
87. themoderatevoice.com The Moderate Voice
88. pandasthumb.org
89. thinkprogress.org Wonk Room
90. turningleft.net Turning Left
91. whyweworry.com Why We Worry
92. willwilkinson.net Will Wilkinson
93. skeptic.com
94. au.org Americans United
95. tripod.com Church and State
96. climatedenial.org
97. popularmechanics.com
98. debunking911.com
99. wiley.com
100. wikipedia.org Denialism Wiki
101. cotch.net EvoWiki
102. expelledexposed.com
103. wikia.com Freedom Democrats
104. noaa.gov
105. mymodernmet.com
106. healthcarefactcheck.com
107. talkorigins.org Talk Origins
108. randi.org James Randi
109. liarsforjesus.com Liars for Jesus
110. mediamatters.org Mythopedia
111. religioustolerance.org
112. nap.edu
113. barackobama.com
114. scientificamerican.com
115. stephenjaygould.org Stephen Jay Gould
116. infidels.org
117. skepdic.com
118. theocracywatch.org Theocracy Watch
119. truthfightsback.com Truth Fights Back
120. berkeley.edu
121. nobeliefs.com
122. amazon.com
123. newstex.com
124. pinterest.com
125. sitemeter.com
126. blogarama.com
127. toppoliticalsites.org
128. statcounter.com
