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1. bandcamp.com
2. imdb.com
3. youtube.com
4. amazon.com Implied Spaces,
5. washingtonpost.com a great big lie,
6. somethingawful.com Something Awful
7. drmcninja.com Dr. McNinja
8. duplexplanet.com Duplex Planet
9. engrish.com Engrish
10. flickr.com
11. failblog.org FAIL Blog
12. filmwise.com
13. 10eastern.com Foundphotos
14. graphjam.com Graphjam
15. homestarrunner.com Homestar Runner
16. marriedtothesea.com Married To The Sea
17. google.com
18. nationstates.net
19. oddee.com Oddee
20. pictureisunrelated.com
21. rathergood.com Rather Good
22. fsnet.co.uk
23. newgrounds.com Salad Fingers
24. shortpacked.com Shortpacked!
25. spamusement.com Spamusement
26. strindbergandhelium.com
27. superdickery.com Superdickery
28. superpoop.com Superpoop
29. moviequote.net
30. timecube.com Timecube
31. xkcd.com xkcd
32. blogspot.com
33. typepad.com
34. tumblr.com
35. artificialowl.net Artificial Owl
36. awkwardfamilyphotos.com
37. ourfuture.org
38. wordpress.com nexuslex
39. coilhouse.net Coilhouse
40. commentsfromleftfield.com
41. correntewire.com Corrente
42. crooksandliars.com Crooks and Liars
43. damninteresting.com Damn Interesting
44. dependablerenegade.com
45. dohiyimir.org Dohiyi Mir (NTodd)
46. engadget.com Engadget
47. eschatonblog.com Eschaton
48. the-eleven.com
49. firedoglake.com TBogg
50. first-draft.com First Draft
51. greatscat.com Greatscat! (Diane)
52. jameswolcott.com James Wolcott
53. liberaloasis.com
54. mediamatters.org Media Matters
55. mydd.com MyDD
56. openleft.com Open Left
57. pinktentacle.com Pink Tentacle
58. pissedonpolitics.com
59. rawstory.com Raw Story
60. sadlyno.com Sadly, No!
61. shakesville.com Shakesville
62. spockosbrain.com
63. talkingpointsmemo.com
64. joshreads.com
65. huffingtonpost.com
66. thepoorman.net The Poor Man
67. sideshow.me.uk
68. thestarshollowgazette.com
69. thetoryparty.com The Tory Party
70. thinkprogress.org Think Progress
71. threeriversonline.com
72. tpmcafe.com TPM Cafe
73. tpmmuckraker.com TPM Muckraker
74. salon.com
75. unspace.net Unspace (Rob)
76. virgotex.net virgotex
77. yankodesign.com Yanko Design
78. zencabin.com Zen Cabin (Ripley)
79. kaichang.net Zuky (Kai)
80. pghbloggers.org
81. sitemeter.com
82. thatchermathias.com Thatcher Mathias
83. statcounter.com View My Stats
