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13. victorygirlsblog.com Victory Girls
14. hogewash.com Hogewash
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16. quintonreport.com The Quinton Report
17. pjmedia.com Ed Driscoll
18. w2tpp.com
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20. politicalrift.com Political Rift
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74. shotinthedark.info Hatred Of Choice
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158. cassyfiano.com Cassy Fiano
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188. townhall.com Hugh Hewitt
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206. newsrealblog.com Newsreal Blog
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208. outsidethebeltway.com
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210. livejournal.com Pinup Girl
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212. primordialslack.com Primordial Slack
213. punditandpundette.com
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227. somd.com
228. stacyontheright.com Stacy on the Right
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230. suzyrice.com Suzy Rice
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240. lordnazh.com The Daily Ramble
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253. viewfromll2.com The View From LL2
254. washingtonreb.com
255. threedonia.com Threedonia
256. ui2.com
257. urbangrounds.com Urban Grounds
258. watcherofweasels.org Watcher of Weasels
259. wormme.com
260. wyblog.us WyBlog
261. statcounter.com
