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No. 链出域名 关键词
1. techcrunch.com engaging writing
2. quora.com as a free PDF
3. forbes.com
4. bothsidesofthetable.com
5. gigaom.com
6. thenextweb.com The Next Web
7. the-digital-reader.com The Digital Reader
8. publishingperspectives.com
9. digitalbookworld.com
10. amazon.com Kindle Single
11. barnesandnoble.com
12. kobobooks.com Kobo
13. google.com recent coverage
14. evernote.com Smart Notebook
15. appshopper.com
16. rifters.com donation button
17. nextissue.com magazine app
18. apple.com iOS store
19. newyorker.com
20. youtube.com puppets
21. atavist.com Atavist
22. ted.com Nook and iBooks
23. baldurbjarnason.com Baldur Bjarnason
24. booksquare.com Booksquare
25. dearauthor.com Dear Author
26. mobileread.com Mobileread
27. simplethemes.com WordPress Themes
