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1. linkedin.com Glenn Williams
2. glennwilliams.co.uk Personal Website
3. wammo.co.nz
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9. mixcloud.com
10. hot-topic.co.nz
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12. apple.com iTunes
13. stitcher.com Stitcher
14. facebook.com Facebook
15. libsyn.com The Climate Show
16. theconversation.com
17. dailymail.co.uk
18. express.co.uk
19. telegraph.co.uk
20. msn.com
21. theguardian.com
22. climatechange2013.org
23. noaa.gov press release
24. climatecentral.org
25. nzherald.co.nz
26. yale.edu
27. climateprediction.net
28. yahoo.com
29. guardian.co.uk
30. decanter.com
31. climatecommission.gov.au
32. sciencedaily.com
33. rtcc.org
34. iop.org
35. theconsensusproject.com
36. sks.to
37. thinkprogress.org
38. theclimateshow.com The Climate Show
39. reneweconomy.com.au REneweconomy
40. skepticalscience.com Skeptical Science
41. frontiersin.org
42. shapingtomorrowsworld.org here
43. hhmi.org
44. idealog.co.nz Idealog Sustain
45. sciblogs.co.nz Sciblogs
46. scoop.co.nz Scoop
47. tumblr.com The Bads
48. theconversation.edu.au The Conversation
49. nasa.gov
50. greenpeace.org full report pdf
51. washingtonpost.com top hopes for 2013
52. darksnowproject.org Dark Snow Project
53. climatedesk.org
54. newscientist.com New Scientist
55. wordpress.com The Aviator!
56. radiolive.co.nz Radio Live
57. agu.org
58. wsl.ch
59. steampunkoamaru.co.nz Steampunk Oamaru
60. climatesilence.org
61. examiner.com acceptance speech
62. wunderground.com Weather Extremes
63. berkeley.edu
64. realclimate.org Real Climate post
65. commondreams.org Common Dreams
66. climatespectator.com.au Climate Spectator
67. pwc.com
68. nature.com Nature
69. flickr.com
70. chinadaily.com.cn China Daily
71. esciencenews.com eScience News
72. bbc.co.uk Mammoths
73. blogspot.co.uk
74. climatecodered.org
75. ecoshock.info Arctic special
76. tvnz.co.nz TV NZ
77. ametsoc.org Journal reference
78. unsw.edu.au full paper [pdf]
79. nytimes.com New York Times
80. awi.de press release
81. extremeicesurvey.org
82. wired.com
83. ecogeek.org
84. kiwifm.co.nz KiwiFM
85. themoxiesessions.co.nz
86. wp.me
87. theatlantic.com
88. last.fm The Satellites
89. gomiso.com
90. raptr.com
91. flavors.me
