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11. thestandard.org.nz
12. wikipedia.org
13. wnd.com “rebels
14. sky.com
15. larouchepac.com
16. uruknet.info
17. ratical.org War is a racket
18. newsmax.com
19. nationaljournal.com Charlie Cook
20. thiscantbehappening.net
21. freedomsyndicate.com Here
22. lewrockwell.com Lew Rockwell
23. realclearpolitics.com
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28. lasvegassun.com The Las Vegas Sun
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31. americanthinker.com American Thinker
32. cognitiveliberty.org Dr. Sells
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35. rense.com Rense
36. talkleft.com
37. abajournal.com by the ABA
38. spamhaus.org SpamHaus
39. jenner.com
40. google.com Brian Lenihan
41. irishtimes.com great article
42. clarion-software.com Clarion Newsgroups
43. globalclimatescam.com Climate Change
44. hillaryis44.org
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48. noworldsystem.com No World System
49. nwtools.com NWTools
50. typepad.com Red State Electric
51. newmediajournal.us Search The Web
52. slashdot.com SlashDot
53. washingtonsblog.com Washington's
54. wattsupwiththat.com Watts Up With That
55. weather.com Weather
56. whatreallyhappened.com WRH
57. wordpress.org WordPress
58. srinig.com Evanescence
