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4. arrestblair.org
5. justiceonline.org
6. freejeremy.net
7. constantcontact.com
8. twitter.com
9. johnpilger.com
10. tinyurl.com
11. youtube.com
12. ria.ru
13. wsws.org
14. themoscowtimes.com Moscow Times
15. ewn.co.za
16. go.com
17. politico.com
18. trend.az
19. hrw.org
20. belfasttelegraph.co.uk
21. bbc.com
22. washingtontimes.com
23. haaretz.com
24. aljazeera.com
25. rt.com
26. reuters.com
27. themuslimtimes.org
28. theglobeandmail.com Globe and Mail
29. nytimes.com New York Times
30. theguardian.com
31. thepeninsulaqatar.com
32. afghanistantimes.af
33. presstv.ir
34. realclearpolitics.com
35. ecowatch.com
36. itv.com
37. fpif.org
38. khaama.com
39. net.kw
40. yahoo.com Yahoo Media
41. pakistantoday.com.pk
42. allafrica.com Allafrica.com
43. trust.org
44. gulftoday.ae
45. middle-east-online.com
46. rawstory.com
47. hurriyetdailynews.com
48. ynetnews.com
49. aa.com.tr
50. newindianexpress.com
51. wikipedia.org
52. theamericanconservative.com
53. acenewsservices.com
54. canada.com
55. farsnews.com
56. israelnationalnews.com
57. maannews.net
58. rall.com
59. reprieve.org.uk
60. independent.co.uk
61. thisdaylive.com
62. com.lb
63. albawaba.com
64. nzherald.co.nz
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66. cbslocal.com
67. about.com About.com
68. the-japan-news.com
69. apa.az
70. thinkprogress.org
71. dnaindia.com
72. ndtv.com
73. theverge.com
74. indianexpress.com
75. thehindu.com
76. voanews.com
77. detroitnews.com
78. thestar.com Toronto Star
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80. kontext-tv.de
81. yourblackworld.net
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83. huffingtonpost.com
84. reason.com Reason
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86. atimes.com Asia Times (HK)
87. boston.com Boston Globe
88. chicagotribune.com Chicago Tribune
89. csmonitor.com Christian Science
90. freep.com Detroit Free Press
91. expressindia.com Indian Express
92. guardian.co.uk Guardian/Observer
93. iht.com
94. latimes.com
95. thetimes.co.uk London Times
96. miami.com Miami Herald
97. startribune.com Mpls.StarTribune
98. newsday.com
99. nypost.com New York Post
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112. washingtonpost.com Washington Post
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117. thebaffler.com The Baffler
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128. gadfly.org Gadfly
129. harpers.org Harper's Index
130. inthesetimes.com
131. interventionmag.com Intervention
132. panix.com
133. dhs.org LBO Talk
134. left-turn.org Left Turn
135. mcsweeneys.net McSweeney's
136. motherjones.com
137. newstatesman.co.uk
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139. msnbc.com Altercation
140. observer.com
141. populist.com
142. rollcall.com Roll Call
143. economist.co.uk
144. thenation.com The Nation
145. thenewrepublic.com
146. theonion.com The Onion
147. progressive.org
148. time.com Time
149. variety.com Variety
150. washingtonmonthly.com Wash Monthly
151. weeklystandard.com Weekly Standard
152. american-reporter.com American Reporter
153. antiwar.com Antiwar.com
154. antiterroristas.cu Antiterroristas
155. aldaily.com Arts & Letters
156. artsjournal.com
157. blogspot.com Uggabugga
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160. blogcritics.com Blogcritics
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163. bullymag.com Bully
164. buzzflash.com BuzzFlash
165. civilamerica.org
166. commondreams.org Common Dreams
167. consortiumnews.com Consortium News
168. corante.com Corante
169. cosmoetica.com Cosmoetica
170. crisispapers.org
171. dack.com Dack
172. dailyhowler.com
173. democrats.com Democrats.com
174. drudgereport.com Drudge Report
175. e-ariana.com E-Ariana
176. eatthestate.org
177. tamu.edu Ethel the Blog
178. freespeechnews.com Free Speech News
179. fimoculous.com Fimoculous
180. flakmag.com Flak
181. g21.net G21
182. gettingit.com Getting It
183. the-hamster.com
184. informationtimes.com InformationTimes
185. inside.com Inside.com
186. iwantmedia.com I Want Media
187. poynter.org
188. laexaminer.com LA Examiner
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190. straybulletins.com
191. mediawatch.com Media Watch
192. mediastudy.com MediaStudy.com
193. mediawhoresonline.com Media Whores OL
194. moonfarmer.org Moon Farmer
195. moose-and-squirrel.com
196. narconews.com Narco News
197. nerve.com Nerve
198. ncmonline.com
199. cjb.net
200. nologo.org No Logo
201. obscurestore.com Obscure Store
202. ojr.org
203. progress.org
204. therag.com The Rag
205. rantburg.com Rantburg
206. realjoe.com Real Joe
207. salonmagazine.com Salon
208. seeingtheforest.com Seeing the Forest
209. simpleton.com Simpleton
210. msn.com Slate
211. spinsanity.com Spinsanity
212. swans.com Swans
213. oreilly-sucks.com O'Reillysucks.com
214. smug.com Smug
215. spiked-online.com Sp!ked
216. suck.com Suck
217. talkingpointsmemo.com Talking Points
218. talkleft.com TalkLeft
219. heise.de Telepolis
220. thedailyplanet.com
221. thesmokinggun.com
222. tompaine.com Tom Paine
223. truthout.org Truthout
224. vanitysite.net Vanitysite
225. smirkingchimp.com Smirking Chimp
226. wired.com Wired News
227. word.com Word
228. workingforchange.com Working for Change
229. pbs.org Working Stiff
230. adbusters.org Adbusters
231. gwbush.com gwbush.com
232. turnoffyourtv.com
233. colossus.net Logo Free TV
234. revbilly.com Reverend Billy
235. unc.edu Stay Free
236. subvert.us Sticker shock
237. subvertise.org Subvertise.org
238. whitedot.org White Dot
239. aan.org Alt.Weekly Index
240. auschron.com Austin Chronicle
241. bostonphoenix.com Boston Phoenix
242. chicagoreader.com Chicago Reader
243. dallasobserver.com Dallas Observer
244. washingtoncitypaper.com DC/City Paper
245. metrotimes.com Det/Metro Times
246. laweekly.com
247. newtimes.com New Times' Index
248. nypress.com New York Press
249. pww.org
250. thestranger.com Seattle Stranger
251. seattleweekly.com Seattle Weekly
252. sfbayguardian.com
253. citypages.com TC/City Pages
254. villagevoice.com Village Voice
