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1. yahoo.com direct talks
2. twitter.com
3. telegraph.co.uk
4. newrepublic.com Brian Beutler
5. esquire.com Charles P. Pierce
6. commentarymagazine.com Contentions
7. weeklystandard.com hailed
8. rollingstone.com
9. westernjournalism.com
10. newsbusters.org
11. theweek.com angry at
12. mediaite.com
13. humanevents.com Here's
14. wikipedia.org Raines vs. Byrd
15. wsj.com
16. csmonitor.com he issued
17. ucsb.edu issued
18. whitehouse.gov who stated
19. pjmedia.com Zombie
20. thedailybeast.com Here's another
21. politifact.com
22. theguardian.com
23. cnn.com
24. nytimes.com is reporting
25. patterico.com calls
26. msn.com On the streets
27. thefederalist.com this sort of thing
28. gopusa.com He says
29. bloomberg.com in order to free
30. cbsnews.com
31. nypost.com Here’s more
32. blogspot.com Tigerhawk
33. amazon.com Amazon.com Widgets
34. mu.nu JawaReport
35. americandigest.org AmericanDigest
36. americanthinker.com AmericanThinker
37. patheos.com Anchoress
38. typepad.com Sisu
39. theaugeanstables.com AugeanStables
40. blogs.com Beldar
41. bookwormroom.com Bookworm
42. breitbart.com Breitbart
43. chicagoboyz.net ChicagoBoyz
44. deanesmay.com DeanEsmay
45. donklephant.com Donklephant
46. faustasblog.com Fausta’sBlog
47. gaypatriot.net GayPatriot
48. hotair.com HotAir
49. legalinsurrection.com LegalInsurrection
50. redstate.com RedState
51. anotherdotcom.com Maggie’sFarm
52. melaniephillips.com MelaniePhillips
53. yourish.com MerylYourish
54. worldaffairsjournal.org MichaelTotten
55. michaelyon-online.com MichaelYon
56. michellemalkin.com Michelle Malkin
57. michellesmirror.com
58. mudvillegazette.com MudvilleGazette
59. powerlineblog.com Powerline
60. proteinwisdom.com ProteinWisdom
61. qando.net QandO
62. rachellucas.com RachelLucas
63. seconddraft.org SecondDraft
64. seekerblog.com SeekerBlog
65. sistertoldjah.com SisterToldjah
66. docisinblog.com TheDoctorIsIn
67. volokh.com Volokh
68. w3.org Valid XHTML
69. gmpg.org XFN
70. wordpress.org WordPress
71. orangescale.net T. Arie Setiawan
