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6. thefederalist.com here
7. blogger.com Blogger
8. cpac.org CPAC
9. wikipedia.org
10. politico.com
11. bizpacreview.com
12. twitter.com @rumpfshaker
13. dallasnews.com latest
14. legalinsurrection.com
15. johncornyn.com click here to RSVP
16. gstatic.com
17. myfoxaustin.com
18. blogspot.com Yid With Lid
19. statesman.com
20. wordpress.com Nice Deb
21. nytimes.com
22. creativecommons.org
23. bit.ly here
24. twittercounter.com
25. iowntheworld.com iOwnTheWorld
26. ftrradio.com
27. larwyn.com
28. alachuapolitix.com Alachua Politix
29. babalublog.com BabalúBlog
30. crowleypoliticalreport.com
31. dailybroward.com DailyBroward
32. orlando-politics.com
33. franciscogonzalez.us Francisco Gonzalez
34. jacobperry.us Jacob Perry
35. typepad.com Monica Crowley
36. nsfblogs.com
37. orlandosentinel.com
38. jacksonville.com
39. postonpolitics.com Post on Politics
40. reaganista.com Reaganista
41. sayfiereview.com Sayfie Review
42. sunshinestatenews.com
43. tampabay.com
44. winterparkperspective.org
45. mu.nu Ace of Spades HQ
46. alexashrugged.com Alexa Shrugged
47. allamericanblogger.com
48. investors.com
49. anthropocon.com Anthropo-con
50. beregondsbar.com Beregond's Bar
51. conurls.com Conurls
52. datechguyblog.com Datechguy's Blog
53. davidlimbaugh.com David Limbaugh
54. tercerriel.com El Tercer Riel
55. filmladd.com FilmLadd Blogs
56. flashreport.org FlashReport
57. thegatewaypundit.com Gateway Pundit
58. goldfishandclowns.com
59. heartland.org
60. hotair.com Hot Air
61. imao.us IMAO
62. pjmedia.com Vodkapundit
63. jammiewf.com
64. kiradavis.net Kira Davis
65. landmarkreport.com Landmark Report
66. lifenews.com LifeNews
67. michellemalkin.com Michelle Malkin
68. misfitpolitics.co Misfit Politics
69. moonbattery.com Moonbattery
70. nakeddc.com Naked DC
71. nationalreview.com
72. politicalmathblog.com Political Math
73. publiusforum.com Publius Forum
74. redmassgroup.com
75. rightwingnews.com
76. ripandreader.com rip and reader
77. sistertoldjah.com Sister Toldjah
78. ning.com
79. soopermexican.com Sooper Mexican
80. txtrendychick.com Texas Trendy Chick
81. thatamymiller.com THAT Amy Miller
82. dailycaller.com The Daily Caller
83. thehotjoints.com THE HOT JOINTS
84. theminorityreportblog.com
85. theothermccain.com The Other McCain
86. rnla.org
87. therightscoop.com The Right Scoop
88. therightsphere.com The Right Sphere
89. sundriesshack.com The Sundries Shack
90. yahoo.com
91. weeklystandard.com
92. truthaboutbills.com Truth About Bills
93. twitchy.com Twitchy
94. wsj.com
95. weaselzippers.net Weasel Zippers
96. marezilla.com
97. theminorityreport.co
98. redcounty.com
99. truthaboutbills.org
100. istockphoto.com compassandcamera
